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Green Cover of India

Did you Know?

India’s Forest Green Cover in 2020

Gujarat’s Forest Green Cover in 2020

Our Aimed Target

Larger Green Cover All Over India

What is a Seedball?

Seedballs or seed bombs are seeds that have been wrapped in soil matter and then dried. The soil matter is often a mixture of clay and compost/ashes. The seed is, therefore, pre-planted and can be sown by depositing the seed ball anywhere as long as the species can survive there. The wrapping mixture keeps the seed safe until it can properly germinate.

1st Time in India

Seedballs Prototype Machine

Making Seed Balls manually is very time consuming. Understanding the challenge, personnel of Elecon Peripherals Limited took on the challenge and a blueprint was laid out & the final prototype was ready in just two weeks.

This machine could produce upto 25 thousand Seed Balls per day.

Mix, Make Thro 2 Gro Seedballs Pledge

Taruna Patel


EMTICI Engineering Ltd,

Madhuban Resort & Spa, Divisions of Elecon Group of Companies & Chairperson of FICCI FLO Ahmedabad Chapter.

on 5th June 2019 we pledged to make

1 Crore Seedballs

Our Pledge 2020

5 Crore Seedballs

Jointly taken with FICCI FLO - Ahmedabad Chapter to make and disperse seedballs

Our Seedballs

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